Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Will our Councils get ahead of the game?

The Coalition has announced a bit of transparency into Local Government with any item of local government expenditure over £500 (from January 2010). I hope this will go down to Town Council level. There is no reason it shouldn't. Also contracts over £10,000 will also have to be published from September 2010. 

These are all good ideas and should be applauded. There are go ahead councils doing this already. Northamptonshire County Council is already publishing salaries and expenses of top officers. I feel we are badly served by all our councils over transparency. The bad feeling I have is local government will use every hook and interpretation of the rules to ensure transparency is stifled. 

Both HDC and SNTC are tardy over publishing minutes. What I want to know is who will be responsible for the flow of information and what will happen if the information isn't forthcoming. The trouble with Freedom of Information is Council try a stifle the information flow and there is no real comeback on the council if it does provide the information.

I feel all Councils should try and get ahead of the requirements rather than sitting back and waiting.

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