Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Secret Meeting of the Town Council?

Well not so secret, though you would have to go down to the Town Council offices to find out about this because it isn't on the website.  The press and public are excluded from part of the meeting as it is to discuss the proposal to tarmac over Shady Walk Open Space for a cinema car park.

So what is so secret? The terms of sale/lease of the land of course and the amount of the land which the Town Council gives away to the developer. All this will be able to be kept secret until the developer puts in the planning application. So much for transparency.

As it says on the Forward Plan version 3 on the website:
Maintain and protect green space provision is not turning any of the green space at Shady Lane into a car park!

The meeting is on Thursday 24th March at 7pm. As with all Town Council meetings the residents are given 10 minutes to have their say on any matter under the Town Council at the start of the meeting. Then the press and public are excluded from the bit that matters.

We all know the Town Council is going to give away this piece of land. So why make this secret?

Is this how a "Quality Town Council" is supposed to work? Meetings added to the noticeboard but not added to the website! Obviously those at CPALC including Ian Dewar and Steve Wilkinson and his Accreditation Committee think this is how a Quality Town Council should operate as they bunged the Town Council the Quality Status. A meeting that is virtually kept secret from the people in the hope this goes through without as much as a mutter from those affected by this decision by the Town Council. Quality Town Council indeed. CPALC should reconsider their verdict that St Neots Town Council is a Quality Council.

1 comment:

St Ivian said...

Unless the Town Council is looking at tenders for the work, which do need to be kept confidential, I can't see why the elected representatives of St Neots shouldn't have the courage of their convictions and deliberate and make decisions in public, however unpopular the subject.

The attempts to keep the meeting quiet certainly give the impression that admission of the press and public would be more uncomfortable or damaging to the councillors themselves - than it would be prejudicial to the public interest.

Well done Dave for keeping an eye on the agenda !