Friday, December 17, 2010

Conservative HDC gives Sawtry Sex Shop the go ahead

Not what the objectors want but Conservative run HDC has done something good for a change. It stood up for the individuals rights over those of the community. Not that I really want to be defending a sex shop. This is a legal business which Parliament has put restrictions on. Those restrictions have been met by Cocktails Ltd who now have a licence.

The losers are the protesters who have put much effort into trying to stop this licence going ahead. They are:

Shalish Vara MP who gave support to the protesters
Former County Council Leader Keith Walters
New boy Cllr Darren Tysoe who Chaired at least one meeting.
Sawtry Parish Council which paid out for a top notch barrister and still lost.
The Sawtry residents who are going to pick up the bill for the barrister.

The test of all this, of course, will be whether the Sex Shop will make any money. If it doesn't it will close.

So who to blame as blame will be aimed at someone?

The District Councillors - Well no! They were pretty much in a straight jacket over this. Going with residents would mean a judicial review and much cost. Not going with the residents doesn't cause the Councillors much harm.

Shalish Vara MP - He lent his support. He is a member of the Coalition Government and is the MP for the area. It is Parliament which passed the legislation allowing these types of shops. Parliament can always change the law. Is Shalish going to press for changes? Or is he going to sit on his hands and do nothing in Parliament.

The protesters - because they weren't realistic over their chances. Legal businesses can do legal things. Nor did the protesters come up with the money to make a counter offer. This is the basic problem. People don't want things they don't like but aren't willing to put their hands in their pockets to take things over. Welcome to Localism. Because this is what the Coalition is wanting us to to do. Want to save the local pub don't get up a petition. Band together, raise the money and run it yourselves. In the case of the sex shop land buy the land up. But they won't. A chance at a bit of true localism and the residents flunk it.

The new Localism will give communities much more powers to intervene by opening their wallets. In a free society it is Parliament that sets the rules. It is Parliament and their MP Shalish Vara whom the protesters should take their disgruntlement too and not HDC.

What is the betting they will blame HDC? A very good chance.

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