Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Promise is only fulfilled when swimming pool is built

In a rush of excitement by the Hunts Liberal Democrats website there is an announcement they have fulfilled an election promise over the open air swimming pool.
This is very premature. To fulfil the promise shouldn't the pool be built and opened? Yes it should! All they have done is chosen a preferred buyer. Like any land purchase this is going to take a long time and may not be fruitful. 

Liberal Democrat Town Councillor Derek Giles has been very vocal in predicting when a new swimming pool would be built. He predicted a pool would be open in the summer of 2009. Doesn't look likely in Summer 2011

Time for a reality check here. The proposed land at Riversmead is not that big. A smaller pool could be fitted onto this site. But what of the residents. Unlike the previous site Riversmead has many residents backing onto this land. It may sound good but all these residents are going to have their lives disrupted by the noise and traffic generated by this facility.

Where is the car parking going to go? I pity the poor residents who will find on high days and holidays their peace disturbed. I feel this is the wrong location for an open air swimming pool. SNSPT needs to find somewhere else fulfil the promise.

Latest on the Accounts/Annual Return saga.

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