Monday, January 4, 2010

Police and Fire Authorities Likely Increases in Council Tax.

Whilst the Conservative controlled Hunts DC budget is looking bad so is the Cambridgeshire Police Authority/Constabulary. Even with an increase in their portion of the Council tax by 3%, the Constabulary is facing a deficit of £1.1 million for 2010/11 increasing to a deficit of 2012/13 of £7.7 million. There isn't much they can cut.

Police Authority Agenda Item 11
Police Authority Agenda Item 8

The Fire Authority is looking at an increase of 2.9%. There is a forecast jump in 2013/14 by 6.2%. This is an increase in budget of £1.2 million. Much of this dramatic increase is due to the forecast use of reserves of £550,000 in 2012/13. The use of these reserves causes Council Tax to be kept down. But this bites back the next year when these reserves are not used. This use of reserves caused problems for St Neots Town Council and Hunts DC.

Financial Estimates for 2010/11

All budgets are set to be finalised in February 2010.

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