The Election Season has started with the first delivery of a political leaflet since June 2009. Normally I would be finding ways to rip into a political leaflet. On this occasion I find this leaflet is well presented and reads very easily.
With Steve van de Kerkhove named 6 times on this leaflet it is almost certain that he will be standing at the local elections on 6th May 2010. The other recipient of this publicity is Martin Land. He is pictured 3 times and named 3 times.

As an aside, Martin Land named Julia Hayward as his Agent for the General Election. This hasn't stopped Martin running local campaigns in this constituency and in the surrounding constituencies.
This is why I believe that Martin is a part-time candidate as the Liberal Democrats must be looking to fight in Cambridge and other constituencies where they have a better chance. The Fenstanton By-election will add some perspective on who is doing well in the constituency.
As I pointed out near the beginning of this blog I will be voting Liberal Democrat at the local elections on 6th May 2010 and for other parties at other forthcoming elections.
The local elections being TC are in may 2011. The last round was in 2007
With Steve van de Kerkhove on the leaflet 6 times I feel you will find he will be standing as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Eynesbury on 6th May 2010.
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