Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is HDC not following its own constitution?

The renamed Dismissal Panel met on 21st January 2011 and there are no documents published. I had a look through the Councils "Constitution" to find out whether they are following it.
The Council will give 5 clear days notice of any meeting by posting the details at Pathfinder House. If you think I'm travelling to Pathfinder House to find what is being posted. Doesn't HDC think internet. Publishing only at Pathfinder House and not being required to publish on their website makes finding out what is going on at HDC difficult. Maybe that is why!
This says something else. (c) says: the agenda for the meeting.

The meeting was on 21st January 2011. So this is after the meeting. According to the "constitution" the Agenda should be published! So why isn't the Agenda on the website?

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