Monday, July 12, 2010

Protesters claim break-up of NHS

How times have changed. The Labour supporting Unions didn't mention the Labour Government franchising policy, but blamed the Strategic Health Authority over Hinchingbrooke.

Now, the Coalition is in Government the Labour supporting Unions now say it is the "Coalition Governments" fault. This is wrong! This is a Labour policy which the Coalition Government is carrying on with.

The trouble with the Labour supporting Unions is they are changing their tune. It is a Labour policy. You couldn't come out and blame your Labour Government then. Indeed your unions poured money into the last Labour General Election campaign.

This is the problem. The Strategic Health Authority is still there. So why aren't the unions still blaming the SHA? I feel a socialist rewriting of history is happening which will rub out Labours Policy of Franchising Hinchingbrooke.


Save Hinchingbrooke Hospital said...

The SHA are finished from 1st April 2012, and the dismantling of the PCT begins today. I agree the franchise was a Labour policy, brought in to hide the inadequate structure they had implemented.
Mr Lansley for the ConDems...said on May 21st 2010 " Some of these closures or reconfigurations of local services are based on disputed or flawed evidence, some have lacked real public engagement, I cannot re-open previously concluded processes nor halt those that have passed the point of no return with contracts signed or building works started"
"As of Today (21st May 2010)I am calling the halt to the current procss, I have signaled to the CCCEO of the NHS to inform the service of this immediately".......
So why is this still being driven.....lets face it the 3 bidders to 1 bidder timetable has been changed from Spetember 2010 to February will it ever really happen....?

Green Party/Trade Union activist said...

Labour supporting unions should be changed to Labour Party supporting. Plenty of support for the founding values of the labour party, along with the reasons behind its set up, but little for the Labour government. Sadly the unions have got to the point where they are deluding themselves that blanket support and affiliation to Labour is still a good thing. For example supporting P'boro LP has a good case in its favour but supporting Huntingdonshire Labour is utterly pointless, they have nothing to offer unions and their members. Supporting labour has become a way of stopping the Tories and given the policies so far from the government it’s no hard to see why. There is also a misguided belief that labour can be shifted in policy to TU policies many of which Labour have never implemented. If the CWU gave its members the opportunity to vote on affiliation to Labour to labour they would probably vote to break the link. Every year CWU conference is persuaded to keep the link by the senior officers who it must be said have vested interests, such as their nice little jaunts to LP conference, places on the TULO committee and the Labour NEC would all be lost to the senior union men. Labour at the top whether it be government/cabinet or HMO/Shadow Cabinet is never going to adopt many TU polices. Those at the top of Labour have shown many times their willingness to ignore Labour conference policy and do what the hell they like. You even have Mandy using the term Social Democrats when labour is supposed to be about Democratic Socialism.

Labour needs to decide once and for all Social Democracy or Democratic Socialism and do away with the never ending battle between the two philosophies

Green Party/Trade Union activist said...

Labour supporting unions should be changed to Labour Party supporting. Plenty of support for the founding values of the labour party, along with the reasons behind its set up, but little for the Labour government. Sadly the unions have got to the point where they are deluding themselves that blanket support and affiliation to Labour is still a good thing. For example supporting P'boro LP has a good case in its favour but supporting Huntingdonshire Labour is utterly pointless, they have nothing to offer unions and their members. Supporting labour has become a way of stopping the Tories and given the policies so far from the government it’s no hard to see why. There is also a misguided belief that labour can be shifted in policy to TU policies many of which Labour have never implemented. If the CWU gave its members the opportunity to vote on affiliation to Labour to labour they would probably vote to break the link. Every year CWU conference is persuaded to keep the link by the senior officers who it must be said have vested interests, such as their nice little jaunts to LP conference, places on the TULO committee and the Labour NEC would all be lost to the senior union men. Labour at the top whether it be government/cabinet or HMO/Shadow Cabinet is never going to adopt many TU polices. Those at the top of Labour have shown many times their willingness to ignore Labour conference policy and do what the hell they like. You even have Mandy using the term Social Democrats when labour is supposed to be about Democratic Socialism.

Labour needs to decide once and for all Social Democracy or Democratic Socialism and do away with the never ending battle between the two philosophies