Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why does HDC need to lie?

If you don't know by now the reason HDC is cutting back on services is because it is running a budget deficit. This has been an underlying problem from way back before 2004. In that year HDC was looking at increasing the Council Tax level by 116% in 2008/09.
With the Government capping council tax increases the 116% increase will never happen. HDC is in a financial pickle, much of its own making. Relying on interest and reserves to keep Council Tax down this was bound to come back and bite HDC hard.

In an article on the online News and Crier - Curtain call for 14 year old music festival - Dan Smith, community manager at the council, said: “It has been a difficult decision but the members of the council decided that in the current economic climate they could no longer subsidise the provision of the concerts at this time.

These cuts have nothing to do with the current economic climate. The financial problems pre-date the current problems. I suppose it is easier for HDC to lie about why these cuts are occurring rather than informing the public as to the true reasons why!

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