Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finally on the right track

At the 2nd Council Meeting on 3rd November 2010, Cllr Shellens has put down a motion for debate. The motion says:

5. Motion on Notice - Councillor M F Shellens to move –

that, having regard to the unprecedented challenges faced by this Council in setting its budget for the short and medium terms with cuts in funding from central government now expected to exacerbate an already critical situation caused by the Council living beyond its means for many years and plans for possible cuts in revenue expenditure in the range of £6m to £12m per annum by 2014/15, this Council requests the Executive Councillor for Finance and Customer Services to present to the next meeting a matrix of potential expenditure cuts for each year covering the period 2011/12 to 2014/15 setting out the measures that would be taken to meet cumulative budget reductions of £6m, £8m, £10m and £12m per annum”.

This is a good motion which puts the Conservative administration on the spot. Either it agrees or it doesn't. This is information that Councillors need and the public should be informed by publishing the information.

1 comment:

Ste said...

Dave, I note your positive comments on Mike's motion - defeated of course. I have published his notes in full on my blog, and we have sent copies to the local press.