Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2008/09 Auditors Report

Having read both reports there are a few significant changes to the accounts (which the accountants say are non-trivial) but these are paper adjustments and in the scheme of thing aren't critical nor should they headline. And the other good news is the Town Council is certainly moving in the right direction.

Now for the damning bits.

The 4 Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) of the Use of Resources (UoR) Judgements are damning of how this Council was run. These 4 KLOE's replaced the 11 criteria in the previous report.
Much of what is wrong is down to those in charge at the time or part of the time. Some of this is down to the former RFO and the former Town Clerk. But much of what went wrong is under the auspices of the Policy and Resources Committee chaired by Cllr Derek Giles with Cllr Gordon Thorpe as Deputy Chairman. Also from July 2008 they were also Leader and Deputy Leader respectively. Time for them both to resign as Town Councillors!

The 4 KLOEs are:
1. Does the organisation plan its finances effectively to deliver its strategic priorities and secure sound financial health? Answer = NO
2. Does the organisation have a sound understanding of its costs and performance and achieve efficiencies in its activities? Answer = NO
3. Is the organisation's financial reporting timely, reliable and does it meet the needs of internal users, stakeholders and local people? Answer = NO
4. Does the organisation manage its risks and maintain a sound system of internal control? Answer = NO

So the Town Council has another adverse finding against it. This time for the 2008/09 accounts.

With 2 adverse reports against it how many local politicians have resigned? Answer = 0

Links to the reports are below.
Auditors report
Annual report second edition

Annual report first edition

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