Monday, December 21, 2009

I went to the ECC Open Day

Today (21/12/09) is the Open Day of the new Eatons Community Centre. Open from 10am to 7pm. I went to take a look. First impressions is it looks very good. A bit short on mens' loos but otherwise looks very good.

The first criticism I have is over the signage. There is none. From turning into The Maltings to arriving outside the centre there is nothing to say what this is or who owns this facility.

The second criticism I have is over the booklet SNTC issued. Whilst there is much over the coverage of the Hire Charges there is no mentioning of the operating hours.

Condition 14 states: The premises shall not be open to members of the public outside the hours of
0800 - 2200 Monday to Thursday, 
0800 - 2300 Fridays, 
0800 - 2400 Saturdays
0900 — 2100 on Sundays or public holidays.

The reason for these restrictions: In the interests of residential amenity.

There is a small difference between the licence the Town Council obtained to allow drinking, dancing, etc. The problem is the 1 hour extra on Fridays. The Planning condition says Friday between 8am and 11pm and the licence allows between 8am and midnight. So if the centre is open on a Friday between 11pm and midnight on a Friday it won't be breaking the licence condition but will be breaking the planning conditions. I have yet to see an application for the variation on planning permission.

The Planning Application and drawings.

Other observations are:
There needs to be a few more signs. An exit sign would be a good idea.
I didn't see any theatre style chairs. These may have been locked away in one of the numerous store rooms.

As white elephants go this is a good looking building. Whether it is a success is up to the use the public make of this building.

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