Friday, April 15, 2011

Postal votes are being sent out today.

With postal votes being sent out voting for the elections on 5th May starts today. Now postal votes are used by a significant number of electors, the actual knocking up of postal voters should start soon. The political parties should do this to ensure their likely voters have returned their postal votes.

Since I'm voting when I receive my postal vote, what have the candidates informed me about the local elections. So far I've only received a leaflet from the Liberal Democrats. I haven't received anything from the Conservatives about their policies and pledges. Nor anything about their candidates.

This side of elections is often overlooked. As postal voters are more likely to have voted their significance is normally higher than the normal supporter who has to go to the polling station.

The introduction of easy postal votes, by Labour, should have changed campaign strategy. But doesn't seem to have got to Huntingdonshire yet with the Conservatives.

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