I was looking something else up in the Cabinet Agenda for 22nd April 2010 and found something else. There is a report on the Provision of Play Facilities in Huntingdonshire. This report wants to move the cost of provision of certain services away from HDC to the Town Council. Another Conservative Stealth Tax!
From what I read there was a secret (no reports, agendas or minutes published - public not welcome) working group set up to look into this matter. Cllrs Ablewhite (St Ives East) and P. Mitchell (Stilton) were appointed by the now defunct OSC - Service Delivery. In the minutes setting up this committee the (click on picture right to enlarge), Cllr Mitchell brought up the subject of these facilities and he wanted to see the District Council supporting these community facilities. In June 2009, the membership changed with Cllrs Jordan (Brampton) and West (Gransden and The Offords) with Cllr Mitchell (Stilton) now a rapporteur for the working group.
This secret working group reported back to the OSC - Social well-being. The main subject was the costs associated with the skate parks which is currently being paid by the HDC. As predicted in this blog, the Conservative HDC are trying at every opportunity to get the Town and Parish Councils to pay towards facilities run by HDC. Another Conservative Stealth Tax.
This is wrong! Whilst I recognise there needs to be a redrawing of what services are provided by each council, there needs to be an overarching strategy. This piecemeal approach to sorting out the Conservative run HDC £6.1 million budget deficit is wrong! There needs to be a pact between the HDC and the Town and Parish Councils. As with the toilets and car parking charges, these are being dictated by the District Council to the Town Councils. This is wrong!
Membership of the OSC -Social well-being committee is: Cooper (St Neots Priory), Criswell (Somersham), Davies (St Ives South) Dutton (Huntingdon North), Garner (Sawtry), Jordan (Brampton), Mitchell (Stilton), Sadler (Huntingdon West), West (Gransden and The Offords). Of the Councillors 1 from St Neots, 1 from St Ives, 2 from Huntingdon and 5 from the rural areas.
1 comment:
Sounds like they are already implementing this ... http://thoughcowardsflinch.com/2010/03/23/the-tories%E2%80%99-secret-plans-for-the-end-of-parliamentary-sovereignty/
Not a surprise... hand over responsibility for facilities to another body, cut costs and tell everyone what good people we are, when the devolved facilities become no more...Blame those who had little or no option to take on the responsibility.... same kind of issue as the Public loos.... at least St Ives are still open...for now
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